Data Security & Integrity

Our team began in 2007 and has been proud to be part of the group of experts providing project review services to GBCI since. After gaining years of green building experience, in 2014, we branded as 3R Sustainability. As 3R, we became a part of global ESG initiatives. 3R has grown to provide broader ESG capabilities around its building sustainability practice. We provide sustainability/ESG and built environment consulting services to committed businesses, corporations, architects, engineers, developers, and owners

systems provide real-time graphing and reporting capabilities that can significantly reduce the time investment required to generate compliance reports. Cost-effective scientific data interpretation and reporting services can also be incorporated into the service arrangement.


systems provide real-time graphing and reporting capabilities that can significantly reduce the time investment required to generate compliance reports. Cost-effective scientific data interpretation and reporting services can also be incorporated into the service arrangement.

The key to implementing these advance monitoring technologies is to seek the advice of specialists in monitoring technology and environmental compliance to identify the most cost-effective instrumentation and reporting strategy for each operation. There are literally thousands of instrumentation options available, with new technologies emerging almost every day, and as many pos- sible applications.

  • Ambient (Outdoor)
  • Baseline / Existing Pollutant Concentrations
    • Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
  • Model Verification – comparison of predicted results vs actual measurements
  • Air Quality Standards Compliance
  • Pre-construction monitoring
    • Dust
    • Particulate Matter (PM10 / PM5)
  • Construction Activity / Emissions Monitoring
  • Odour Monitoring
    • Passive (Olfactometric Surveying)
      • Active Sampling
    • Industrial Stack Emissions Sampling